Same search. Better results.

Inbox Search makes it easy to find what you need, when you need it.
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Search up to 90 days back for free.
Upgrade later for full email history.

Important Emails

Not-So-Important Emails

An email inbox showing Important Emails in the inbox and unimportant Emails filtered to the @InMoat folderAn inbox showing Important Emails in the inbox and Not Important Emails Filtered in the @InMoat folderA mobile inbox showing InMoat keeps important emails stay in your inbox and unimportant emails are filtered to a new folder to be reviewed later.
Your inbox is a corpus of your priorities and pastimes. With so much information, finding what you need can be a pain. Even big tech email providers haven't seem to figure this out yet.

That's why we built Inbox Search. InMoat classifies and tags emails based on context, so you can quickly find what you need, when you need it.

Search tags that work for you

InMoat's pre-built search tags and filters help you find what you need with minimal effort. Just click and search.

Search as you type

Waiting for your inbox to load can seem like a lifetime when you're in a rush. Fortunately, InMoat's inbox search is blazingly fast, so you can quickly find any email in an instant.
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Relevance, not recency

Major search engines don't show results based on the most recently published URL, but rather what's most relevant to the search query itself.

We think email should behave in the same way! View emails based on relevance regardless of when it was received, making it all the easier to find what you need.

Ascending views

Your inbox is like a giant spreadsheet of your life. You should be able to view your emails by sorting the subject or sender alphabetically as well as other data points; not just by what's newest vs oldest.
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Synonym detection

Stop fiddling with complex 'AND' / 'OR' boolean statements to include variations of words (eg. "Receipts" OR "invoice" OR "payment" etc).

InMoat solves for synonyms under the hood, so you don't have to. Just search as you would.
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Typo Tolerant

In Gmail and Outlook, a single misplaced letter can give you drastically different search results.

InMoat intelligently detects typos, so you don't have to worry about accidentally missing something.
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Inbox Search FAQ

How does Inbox Search work?

InMoat classifies and sorts your emails into searchable tags. This allows you to instantly search and pull up any email you need. Easy peasy.

I need a specific search filter for my workflow...

Contact us at Depending on your needs, we can build personalized filters just for you.

What if an email is incorrectly tagged?

Let us know and we'll update it! We intentionally do not use AI/ML. Instead our tags are built manually by our team of email query experts, using complex keyword search strings.

Is Inbox Search included in the Free plan?

Yes! Our Free plan includes Inbox Search, where you can search up to 90 days back from the day you sign up.  

How is InMoat different than Gmail's and/or Outlook's search?

Our search was designed with an understanding of the context/nuance of an email user's intent; allowing for more pertinent and to-the-point searches, so you retrieve only the most relevant results.

How does InMoat know what each email is about?

Our tags are built by our team of email search experts using complex boolean keyword queries. For every email, InMoat scans for keywords and matches it against all categories, filters, and tags.

Never re-search ever again.

Try Inbox Search for free today. Upgrade later when it's convenient.