Data Transparency & Privacy

Your Email, Your Data, and Your Privacy.
Our commitment to you.

Your privacy is our top priority.

We will always be committed to maintaining the highest level of transparency and integrity when it comes to our users data.

To organize your inbox, InMoat needs to read some data from the emails you receive. It reads only the data it needs to categorize each email correctly, then it immediately discards it—InMoat never preserves any of your data without your consent.

Thats worth saying again: InMoat does NOT and will NEVER save, store, delete, edit, or analyze your email data without your direct consent. If we ever need to do anything extra with your data, such as for our Retro feature or our Pay With Email plan, we will always ask for your consent directly and clearly, and you can always refuse to provide it. InMoat will NEVER sell your data. Ever.

Want to learn more about our commitment to data integrity and security? Click here to review our Privacy Policy.
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Our Commitment to Our Customers

InMoat uses OAuth 2.0 to connect to your existing Gmail or Outlook mailbox. Authentication with OAuth 2.0 ensures that your password can never be exposed, stored, or shared on InMoats database or servers.

InMoat only gathers email data via Gmail and Outlook APIs over secure, TLS-encrypted connections, meaning your data cannot be intercepted in transit.

InMoat will always use industry-standard security patterns to minimize the potential for any public threats or exposures.

InMoat will always support the latest in anti-spam and data governance regulations, including GDPR, CCPA, and CASL compliance.

How InMoat uses your data

To Identify Important People

As soon as you sign up, InMoat starts analyzing the emails youve sent in the past and gathers a list of people youve interacted with the most. Once its finished, it recommends these people to you as Trusted Contacts: people it thinks might be important to you, such as your boss, colleague, clients, vendors, and more.

When you receive an email from a Trusted Contact, it will always remain in your inbox, no matter what. You can always add or remove people from this list through your InMoat dashboard.

Unless you have given explicit consent to use the Retro feature or opt-in to the Pay With Email plan, we will NEVER view, save, or touch emails from your Trusted Contacts in any way, shape, or form.
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To Classify Emails

When you receive a new email that is not from a Trusted Contact, InMoat analyzes the body of the email, as well as other data like its subject line or sender, to classify it according to your Smart Filter selections. InMoat scans for only the information it needs to classify the email, and nothing more. Once its done, it immediately discards the data it received.

No part of this process involves human intervention: InMoat employees can NEVER see any of your email data without your explicit consent.

To Move Unimportant Emails

InMoat will NEVER delete your emails whether they’re emails you want or not. Instead, InMoat simply moves unimportant emails to the @InMoat folder located within your mailbox so they stay out of your way until you want them.

All important emails are left untouched in your primary inbox.
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Is my data used to improve InMoat’s filters?

Only if you want it to be.

InMoat does not use machine learning, so your data is never used to train algorithms or artificial intelligences. Our filters are all built in-house by our team of email experts and engineers using knowledge we’ve gained from our own emails, emails shared with us by generous family and friends, and emails shared with us by our Pay with Email customers.

For customers that do decide to share their email data with us, we take your privacy just as seriously. Only two members of InMoat will have access to your email data, and these two members will only use the data to seek out identifiable patterns that can help them build better filters. Any data they receive will be used to improve filters for all our users, whether they’ve shared data with us or not.

InMoat’s Email Reporting & Insights

InMoat collects some statistical data about what emails you receive and when. This lets us show you insights about your productivity in your InMoat dashboard: things like the total number of emails you received, how many emails were from Trusted Contacts, how many emails were irrelevant, how much time you’ve saved, and so on.

We NEVER view, modify, or delete your emails content while being counted.
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InMoat & Data Permissions

For Gmail Users
Click here to read more about the Gmail OAuth scopes.

To learn more about how can view your Google App permissions or revoke access to InMoat at any time here.
For Outlook Users
Click here to read more about the Microsoft OAuth scopes and permissions.
To learn more about how You can view your Microsoft App permissions or revoke access to InMoat at any time here.

Want to know more about InMoat’s Security?

If you have any questions about how InMoat works or our security approach that focuses on security governance, risk management, and compliance, please contact us at